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Roland Matzig

Certified passive house architect and sought-after expert.       
Roland Matzig is among the first certified as a Passive House planner by the Passivhaus-Institut in Darmstadt.       
By now, active himself as an instructor of architects for passive house planning in cooperation with the chamber of engineers in Wiesbaden and Stuttgart.       
Roland Matzig loves nature and people. This is possibly the reason why he did not become a “normal” architect but someone who will always build in accordance with nature. And this is probably why he has become one of the first passive house architects in Germany, establishing himself with a reputation as an expert for passive houses and energy efficiency.       
He likes to share his knowledge and succeeds in making his speeches or workshops both exciting and informative. Roland Matzig has wide professional experience. He has been running a multiply-awarded architectural bureau in Mannheim for 28 years, specializing in the construction of passive houses.       
Roland Matzig is well-known in the passive house “scene”, ensuring strong interest by your target group in your event offering.        How do you achieve the optimal energy-balance with a minimal energy-budget? Roland Matzig provides the answers to this and other questions in his high-quality expert lectures covering all aspects of passive house construction.       
Regardless of whether you, as a further education provider, need a speaker who can inform his audience in a competent and entertaining fashion, or need a host for a discussion on “energy efficient construction” or a passive house expert for your booth at a fair – Roland Matzig is the right one.

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