Тренинг сипаттамасы „Supervisory skills”
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Supervisory skills

Тренинг бағдарламасы

Tainer: Certified professional coach, business coach Kingston university, an expert consultant on management, strategic, tactical, and industrial management. Consultant HR-development, marketing, business administration. Of training and teaching experience: 11 years

Levels of management in the company.
• Areas of responsibility of line managers.
• Key roles that performs head.
• Manager vs. Leader
• Types of Leadership
• The power of the head: types of power.

What do you need to effectively manage people?
• maturity level employees
• Basic competence leader.
• A series of managerial skills:
1. Setting goals and an explanation of their significance,
2. Planning
3. Delegation
4. Creating the conditions
5. Time Management
6. Provide feedback
7. Control

Goal setting and planning.
• Setting goals to subordinates: How to set goals. SMART-criteria.
• Design a plan of action.

Motivation and incentives: what determines the desire to work.
• The components of motivation.

• The needs of employees: Maslowʹs hierarchy. Test Maslow.
• Pyramid Kinsey
• Incentives: can increase the motivation of money?
• non-financial incentives: main types and rules.
• All people are different: with the promotion of subordinate individual type of motivation.

Control: what and when to monitor?
• Balance of undue interference and lack of control.
• Control for meetings.

Delegation: opportunities and limitations.
• What can be delegated, and that can not be delegated.
• Barriers to successful delegation.
• Technology delegation.
• Errors in the delegation.
• The resistance of subordinates in the delegation.

Evaluation of the results of the staff as a management tool.
• What to evaluate performance of the work?
• Types of assessment.
• Interviewing for performance: the rules of the.

Coaching as a new approach to management.
• Manager-Coach: developing management.

Current leaders - top managers and middle managers, as well as candidates for management positions


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Check Point Central Asia, Алматы, Курмангазы 61/А Тел.: 259 88 88

2 күн, 16 сағат

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