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Georgi Nikolov

Georgi Nikolov graduates his master’s degree in architecture in 2002, in the Sofia University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (UACEG). He has worked on large-scale construction projects in several Sofia based large architectural companies. In 2007 he has established his own architectural company – studio APXE (www.apxe.eu) which focuses on design and management of sustainable and passive house standard buildings.     
Georgi Nikolov is a Certified European Passivhaus Designer by Passivhaus Institut - Dr. Wolfgang Feist, Darmstadt, Germany. He is also the Board Chairman of the of IG Passive Houses Bulgaria (www.passive.bg) found with the mission to set up preconditions for a widespread implementation of the passive house construction in the country in order to achieve a higher quality of life and sustainable environment.    
In the portfolio of the designed and realized by Studio APXE projects are one of the pioneering in Bulgaria low - energy and passivhaus administrative and residential buildings as well as ecological residential complexes. The studio successfully built the first passive houses and the first plus - energy building in Bulgaria. In the list of studio’s implemented designs are passive houses in Germany and Macedonia.

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