Тренинг сипаттамасы „Time Management”
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Тренингтер бағдарламасы
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Time Management

Тренинг бағдарламасы

1.The reasons for lack of time. Time scavengers.

 Mini-lecture: Our capital time. Do we know how to manage time? Who or what is stealing our time? Technique to combat sinks time.


1. Exercise "Cake time."

2. Test "effective time management."

3. Role-play "strategy of refusal, as to say" no. "


2. Goal setting

 Mini-lecture: The main obstacles in the way of achieving goals. Proactive and reactive approaches to life. The desire and purpose. Mission. Key areas of life. Map of long-term goals. Tree goals. SMART-goal.


1. Test "your goal."

2. Exercise "The transformation of desires in goals."

3. Exercise "The Wheel of Life."

4. Exercise "Building long-term goals cards."

5. Exercise "tree construction purposes."


3. Prioritization

Mini-lecture: Important and urgent matters. "The method of three nails." Anchors for the effective integration into the work.


1. Exercise "Eisenhower Matrix"


4. Time study

 Mini-lecture: The rules of timekeeping. Photo of the day.


1. Exercise " One day time."

2. Exercise "Analysis of the manager’s day."


5. Planning time. Rigid-flexible scheduling. Context planning.

Mini-lecture: The algorithm of rigid-flexible planning of the day. The results - based planning. Context planning. Planning Technology. Building a Gantt chart


1. Exercise "Results-oriented language."

2. Exercise "Kairos."

3. Exercise "The Wedding"


6. Delegation of authority.

Delegation - a key task of a manager at any level of management. Delegating control tasks. What can and can not be delegated


1. Exercise "office in Kiev."

2. Exercise "Matilda could die"


7. Self-motivation and principles of effective

recreation. Respect for the rule of time

The organization of the work process of the day. Structuring attention method. Organization of the working space. Define your energy cycles, their duration and frequency. "Frogs, cheese steaks"


 Test: "The individual time-management style"


8. Mind-Map Creating. Summing up.


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