Тренинг сипаттамасы „Construction of Company Business Processes through Effective Management”
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Construction of Company Business Processes through Effective Management

Тренинг бағдарламасы

Overview of the QMS. The target model. Life cycle and levels of the organization. Quality management system to the personnel. Competition, personnel and business model: regular and proactive. Deming - the basic principles of management. Managerial performance. Why the need for a process approach in the organization. Cycle PDCA, chart "fish skeleton." Working groups, as the solution of problems related to working conditions.

Defining the purpose.
Technique of goal setting (usually "5 K" or «SMART goals»).
Hierarchy of objectives in the organization.
Functional areas of responsibility (FZO).

The value system of the head and the types of power.
Definition of areas of responsibility manager.
Types of problems and identification of resources for delegation.
Personality profiling to build.
Production rule and decision tasks.

Heads, deputy heads, managers and administrators.


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Check Point Central Asia, Алматы, Курмангазы 61/А Тел.: 259 88 88

1 күн, 9 сағат

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