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7 Habits of Highly Effective people

Тренинг бағдарламасы

Paradigms and Principles of Effectiveness

• Identify the key principles of effectiveness in which the 7 Habits are rooted.

• Assess their paradigms, and adopt paradigms of effectiveness.

• Identify areas of their work and personal lives in which they can apply the 7 Habits.


Habit 1: Be Proactive®

• Take the initiative to focus on things they can influence, instead of focusing on things they cannot.

• Respond proactively.

• Be responsible and accountable.

• Identify things that can be controlled and influenced.

• Have a positive influence on results, their environment, and others.


Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind®

• Define clear measures of success and a plan to achieve them.

• Define vision and values.

• Create a mission statement.

• Set measurable team and personal goals.

• Start projects successfully.

• Align goals to priorities.

• Focus on desired outcomes.


Habit 3: Put First Things First®

• Prioritize and achieve their most important goals, instead of constantly reacting to urgencies.

• Balance key priorities.

• Eliminate low priorities and time-wasters.

• Execute strategy.

• Use planning tools effectively.

• Use effective time-management skills.


Private Victory® to Public Victory®

• Build trust in key relationships.

• Build an Emotional Bank Account with others.

>>Top Management


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