1 Technology allocation of personnel reserve
- Types of personnel reserve;
- Technology of formation of professional and management reserve based on a system of competences;
- Development of professional, managerial and business expertise;
- Formation technology competency model and profile requirements;
- Motivational profile;
- Equipment staging business objectives on the basis of SMART
- Defining KPI evaluation system, the passing score.
2. Methods of personnel evaluation to highlight the talent pool
- Exam of performance indicators;
- Assessment Center;
- Interview Competency;
- Rosenzweig and Belbin tests;
- Test Jung Type Indicator (personality type)
- Test for avoidance motivation
- Test questionnaire to determine the type of motivation employee
- Presentation;
- Business game;
- Brainstorming;
- Role-playing game;
- Diagnosis 360 (presentation).
3. Methods of personnel reserve
- "The formation and development of personnel reserve"
- The course content
- A systematic approach to the development of talent pool and appointments on the basis of competence;
- Formation of individual development plan;
- Mentoring;
- Types of problems and identification of resources for delegation
- authority;
- Feedback;
- Rotation, etc.;
- Evaluating the effectiveness of training;
- Monitoring of personal effectiveness in the workplace.